Dec 21, 2006

Onward and Upward

I've been working for over a year and a half now at a little clothing company called Neighborhoodies. I started there as a graphic design intern, which paid $30 a day. It was the only job I managed to get out of college. I worked there for the summer and, by some miracle, they asked me to stay on as a salaried graphic designer in August. I was pretty ecstatic.

They immediately put me to work branding, designing and building their original e-commerce indie music retailer, Amp Camp (which at the time was called Neighborhoodies Music). It was a little like asking the water boy to rewrite the playbook and captain the team. It was massive learning experience to say the least.

Over the next year and 8 months I would give Neighborhoodies a make-over and design two more customized e-commerce websites: first a redesign of the Neighborhoodies site itself (launched this October) and a third new venture known only as "Print Wars." Print Wars was a brilliant piece of brainstorming set to rival co-op t-shirt Goliath Threadless. It has, unfortunately, yet to be realized.

As of today, I have given my notice of leave to what has been my "place of business" for the last year and a half. I want to thank Neighborhoodies for giving me more opportunities than any other company would have dared. I hope I earned them retroactively.

I will be devoting myself to The Visual Field full time come January and will be accepting and seeking all sorts of design opportunities. I'm doing this with the view to creating a full fledged design studio, capable of creating at the highest levels of innovation and ingenuity in all visual media. As par for the course, I'll attempt this one giant step at a time.

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