Dec 14, 2006

Love us or Hiatus

It's Thursday. The last post was over the weekend. Disgraceful. Perhaps, though, you will forgive me the lashings when I tell you that it's not out of laziness. I've been furiously working over the past three days to finish an identity project for the man who mixed my band's album, as well as trying to churn out some inspired typographic design for a report my brother is presenting to McKinney in NC.

Here are some of the variations on the logo I've been developing:

I had previously presented the client with other versions of the logo, but after letting them sit in my head for a while, I realized they weren't really logos at all, but bland arrangements of text. So came up with these instead. Overall, I think they're fun, refined, surprising, and clever. Just about everything I could hope for.

Here's a couple layouts that I've done for my brother:

Notice any similarities? Yeah, I thought so. The only thing that really translates are the colorful lines. I made them for the typography project first, but liked them so much I couldn't help but include them in different colors in the logo project.

If anyone is reading this, let me know what you think.

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