Dec 7, 2006

The Art of the Pitch

I really need to learn how to sell. My ideas. Myself. My work. I wasn't really born with what anyone would call a "business sense."

I'm a -- yeah, I'll say it -- I'm a smart guy. I'm intrigued by many, many things and have rarely met a challenge that I didn't tackle in one way or another. The one thing I haven't yet wrapped my head around is business. The financing, the networking, the selling selling selling. It just wasn't hard wired into me.

All I've ever wanted to do is to build things. I've neglected the part where I'm supposed to sell the things I build. But that's not what sold me on learning how to sell. What sold me was that I realized that without being able to convince the client that the work I've done is right for them, I'll forever be in the pocket of the client, churning out safe and boring work that they'll be proud of, but I'll be kicking myself for. I'm not worried about selling my services. I'm worried about selling my ideas.

If I can't learn to sell my ideas, all is lost (insert melodramatic epiphany music).

Thus, I have resolved to learn the art of the pitch.

1 comment:

Leland said...

This'll help

I'm commenting way too much on your blog